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Children's Services Council of Broward County
Funder Profile: Children’s Services Council of Broward County
“Hispanic Unity has been one of our closest partners in many of the areas we fund for nearly twelve years. Working collaboratively with them has allowed the CSC to broaden our ability to connect with and engage a broad spectrum of our community.” - Cindy Arenberg Seltzer, President-CEO
About CSC
The Children’s Services Council of Broward County (CSC) provides the leadership, advocacy and resources necessary to enhance children’s lives and empower them to become responsible productive adults through collaborative planning and funding of a continuum of quality care. For more information on the CSC visit www.cscbroward.org
Why they invest in HUF and its programs
The CSC has been a proud funder and partner of Hispanic Unity of Florida for 12 years. By working closely on an array of issues and services that directly impact the entire community, including Spanish-speaking residents, the CSC has found in Hispanic Unity a trusted and valuable partner in ensuring the best outcomes for children and families.
Unity 4Teens/Middle School :The CSC is proud to fund the Unity 4Teens programs for Middle and High School students. Statistics clearly indicate that the hours between the time school ends and parents and caregivers get home from work, are typically the hours when young people are most liable to dabble into risky behaviors that can impact their lives forever. The Unity 4Teens programs are specifically geared to making after school a fun and engaging time for students. Homework assistance and tutoring with certified teachers; Academic enrichment activities; visual and performing arts; physical fitness; and One-on-one support services help keep young people motivated, engaged, and on the right path.
VITA: Since 2002 the CSC has funded the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) awareness campaign and over 20 free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites in Broward County. Hispanic Unity provides staff and volunteers for most of these sites. As a result of these efforts and the creation of the Broward VITA Collaborative, working tax payers of Broward County have received almost $200 million in EITC reimbursements.
CWF:The Center for Working Families provides innovative methods of service delivery achieving an even greater impact on the long-term self-sufficiency of Hispanic Unity of Florida and Urban League clients. Funded by The Jim Moran Foundation, United Way of Broward County, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and CSC the CWF helps clients access public benefits, primary health care tax credits and financial aid; provides employment and career advancement services such a s resume building, job readiness, skills training and job placement; and Financial and Wealth Building services, such as budget and credit development and financial counseling.
Visit the CSC website for a list of all the organizations and programs they fund in the community.