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Emerging Entrepreneurs
Emerging Entrepreneurs is Hispanic Unity’s Small Business program. Hispanic Unity recognized more than a dozen years ago the need for entrepreneurship education and support for many who are looking to start or reinvent their current businesses. To this end, Hispanic Unity redesigned the program years ago and partnered with the experts of Broward SCORE to provide a comprehensive program based on Broward SCORE’s 5 Simple Steps model for starting and running a successful business.
- Hundreds of potential and existing business owners have attended the Broward SCORE/HUF program and learned about:
- Developing their Business Concept
- Marketing Your Business
- Financial Plans for Your Business
- How to Move Forward to Start the Business – “Go or No Go Decision”
- The Emerging Entrepreneurs Program expanded a few years ago and now includes a broad range of support including, but not limited to: sales, marketing, business plans, QuickBooks, social media, etc.

Community Partners:
Broward SCORE, HBIF and Accion USA.
Emerging Entrepreneurs Client Stories
Important Links for Entrepreneurs
- www.browardscore.org –View the workshops calendar and dates for the 5 Simple Steps program, as well as many other learning opportunities. Register and pay online for the classes
- www.accionusa.org – Your source for micro-loans
- www.hbiffl.com – Scholarships to guide you along your early stages of entrepreneurship
- www.myfloridalicense.com - Apply for a business license or search other businesses (competitors or other potential customers/vendors)
- www.kickstarter.com - Kickstarter, Inc is an American-based private for-profit company founded in 2009 that provides tools to raise funds for creative projects via crowd funding through its website
- www.fau.edu/sbdc/ - Florida Small Business Development Center - A one stop center for small business owners
- www.sba.gov – A one-stop information source for small business entrepreneurs
- www.fshcc.com- Florida State Hispanic Chamber
- www.sfmsdc.org - Southern Florida Minority Supplier Development Council
- www.jmi.fsu.edu - The Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship
- www.huizenga.nova.edu - NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship